
Love & Life

Love & Life

Get Out of my Hair

I have never walked into a hair salon and randomly picked a hairdresser to do my hair. Every person that has done my hair has been a referral. When I see someone with a hairstyle that I like, I ask…

Love & Life

Are Babies a Setback?

The thing with kids is that they don’t have a return policy. Once they are here that’s when you really see that the pudding is in the tasting. If having kids isn’t a setback, why are you using the law…

Love & Life

Love Potions Available

  Of all the things you could witchcraft for, why would you choose men? You are risking eternal damnation over a penised creature? Was he God’s last born on this green earth? Were there no men left? Even Andrew Tate?…

Love & Life

Let the D!ck Pick

If my husband’s female relatives had been the ones to choose his wife, I’d have been screwed. I’m what you call a deadbeat makoti. In the words of Cardi B, “I don’t cook, I don’t clean…” should the men be…

Love & Life

The Youth Need Answers

YOUNG PEOPLE AT CROSSROADS – REALIZING THE RIGHT TO ADEQUATE FOOD AND DECENT LIVING AMIDST COVID-19 AND CLIMATE CHANGE The young people of today are hungrier than ever for success, for knowledge and for basic human rights. However, we exist…

Love & Life

The Boy Was R*ped

I want to start with stating that that 13 year old boy was indeed sexually a$$aulted aka s3x with a minor. The truth is, boys are secretly being s3xually assaulted and most cases never come to light. I’ve heard stories…

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